Final blog post
In my final essay I'll be discussing how historical events have shaped the modern day politics in St Vincent and the Grenadines. There are three main ideas in this prompted essay which include how the St Vincent people reacted to independence while shaping their own government. This government would be shaped by their predecessors, also known as the British. While the Dutch ruled them previously as well, they had learned and been impressed by their past events. Source 1 explains how the St Vincent people took note of their past rulers. A second main idea includes a site I discovered which lists out some of the political history and turmoil the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines have experienced. With disagreement over the country’s new constitution. Source 2 will help explain in detail how these groups of people disagreed and include their differences. A third and last main event talks about how the modern day St Vincent people and government promote democracy. Similar to othe...